Friday 14 October 2011

Devonshire haven.

I have discovered a few things while in Devon, the land of (for me anyway) no internet. With this blog and general personal styling inspiration in mind, I kept my eyes open for the curious or different. I realized this:
- Devonshire clothing style, in the area I was based at any rate, is sadly unimaginative.
- Totnes is a wonderful place. Hippy central - one day I'll take you there via camera.
- My Grandmother's house is a haven of old-time oddities.

When you grow up with something, or around something, or in something (I'm thinking more house/area wise, rather than in a musical box or picture frame, but who knows), you come to accept it as normality. It's part of life, just another thread in the fabric of your existence. But when you look properly, you can discover that the objects you've been living around for as long as you can remember are actually incredibly beautiful, or intriguing, or inspiring. One day I want to bring my partner-in-crime, Elou, to show her my Grandmother's house, because it is just _full_ of such things.
I have for you just a couple of photos, so you get see what I mean. I think the gorgeous antique telephones are my favourite old-timers.
Elou, the keys are just for you ;)

~ Sparrow

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